Friday, November 28, 2008

Best of 2008 (so far...)

Mike D. wrote a note about his favorite albums of 2008 on facebook which inspired me compile my own list:

My Picks (in no particular order):

Transit - This Will Not Define Us
Dillinger Four - C I V I L W A R
Iron Chic - Demo
Algernon Cadwallader - Some Kind Of Cadwallader
Living With Lions - Make Your Mark
Capital - Homefront
Shorebirds - It's Gunna Get Ugly
Bridge and Tunnel - East/West
Polar Bear Club - Sometimes Things Just Disappear
The Hold Steady - Stay Positive
The Marine Electric - Saltwater Ties
Firing Squad - 6 Songs To Live Your Life By

I didn't realize how many amazing albums and EPs came out this year until i started to think back and put this list together. I listen to a lot of these on a daily basis, and since i put this together by memory (left my ipod and computer up in the 518) i'm sure im leaving out a bunch of stuff. let's hope for just as many in 2009.

also, im sure i'll be adding Caleb Lionheart - Think Hardcore, Play Pop Punk to the list once it's released.

can't wait to get weird again when i get back,
- Kevin

P.S. Best of 2009? Only time will tell...

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