Monday, May 18, 2009

By the way, I really need to stop staying up until 6 a.m. watching youtube....

And they say chivalry is dead...

Jesus Christ.

So, speaking of wrestling, I used to watch this as a kid.....

Try to pick out how many things in this clip a child should not watch:

By the way Owen Hart Died from falling from the rafters and snapping his neck on the corner of the ring.


Mr. Kenny

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Glorious Weekend Ahead of Us...

Alright, so this weekend's forecast is looking pretty epic. The crew is coming up from Brooklyn for the weekend so let's party. The last Lion's Den show featuring Caleb Loinheart, The Marine Electric, and The Viking is on Saturday accompanied by a BBQ and a party afterwards. Also, it's tulip fest all weekend which I would not mind getting a little sauced and checking out. We have a lot of work ahead of us, ladies and dirtbags, so get pumped...I know I am.

-Mr. Kenny

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's like the Bible. But real.